I'm awkward. I'm filled with nervous laughter. I don't always stand in the most flattering positions. I never know what to do with my hands. I don't claim to be a pro in front of the camera. When a camera is pointed at me, I'm just like you. I'm a strong believer that makes me good at my job behind the camera. When you're having photographs taken for your business it's not just important that you look happy and relaxed in your images, you need to feel comfortable. That's the most important thing. If you don't find the process of having your photograph an enjoyable experience then you probably won't like the final result. I talk about the reasons behind not having photographs taken a lot - for some it's money, others might think they aren't established enough yet. The most interesting reason for me, is confidence and insecurities. It's interesting not only because of the psychology behind it but because that's the thing that used to stop me showing up in my own business. Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is a contstant learning curve. I'm still not perfect at it - especially doing things like talking on insta stories. But having photographs of myself happy and enjoying my job makes it easier to show up. And I've connected with my customers so much more because of it.
👋🏻 Remember that your audience wants you to show up, they want to get to know you 🤯Don't think about it too much. If you decide to post a photo of yourself or chat to stories do it before you get a chance to talk yourself out of it. After you're in the habit of it, it won't seem as big of a deal. �Keep track of your stats. Those posts where you are deciding to show up and show more of who you are, I bet they have higher engagements. Keep note of it and when you feel like you're having a bit of a wobble about showing up, you'll have your own little evidence bank that proves it's better for your business and customer relationships! I'd love to know, what stops you from showing up?